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January 02, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

This marks the one-year anniversary of respond:create. I could go on and 'thank everyone for a wonderful year' but that would be overtly diplomatic and void of any authenticity. I guess this little post is just a thing to commemorate the existence of this website on the world-wide intertron for one full revolution around the sun.

When we (and by 'we' I mean these bits of binary data and my sentient self) first launched I was posting weekly photo diaries as well as regular essay posts. Because the interface for presenting those aforementioned bits of information was rather specific and constrained I decided to make RSCR:Respond as an outlet for the content I create on a more casual level.

This caused my expression of ideas to be a lot more fluid but, ultimately initiated the demise of my regular photo diaries and essays. The essays are expendable since most of what is on RSCR:Respond is written but, I always like the idea of a photo diary and need to get on the horse and stick with it.

So, there you have it...my first New Years Resolution ever. Thanks so much for everyone who took the time to observe what I do; to just know that other people can have access to my work and ideas from anywhere in the world is truly a dream come true.

Posted by Jon at January 2, 2006 04:11 PM
